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Young Disciple Magazine (2024Q3 / 33Q3 - Pictures of Jesus #1)


Young Disciple Magazine (2024Q3 / 33Q3 - Pictures of Jesus #1)

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Do you wish your juniors and teens knew how to study their Bibles? Do you want them to have their own relationship with Christ? We do too!

Young Disciple magazine is a 24-page, full color, weekly publication that includes a daily study guide with youth-focused lessons from God's Word. The YD lessons help young people discover how to study the Bible and find its treasure for themselves.

The magazine also includes a variety of true stories and inspirational articles, presented in a way that today's teens can appreciate and understand.

Young people love the Young Disciple Bible lessons, which include sections appropriate for the youngest junior  as well as challenges for those ready to dig deeper in God's Word. The lessons also feature Bible study tips, puzzles, and Bible memory activities.

Don't miss out on this resource especially for juniors and teens!

A limited supply of back issues are available here.