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The Blessings—Light 4 Learners



The Blessings—Light 4 Learners

Light 4 Learners The Blessings lessons highlight the blessings Jesus offered in the Beatitudes—and how to claim them for our own.

  1. On the Mountainside (Nature of His Kingdom)
  2. Blessings for the Poor in Spirit (Realizing our need)
  3. Blessings for Those Who Mourn (Sorrow for sin; Trials)
  4. Blessings for the Meek (Humility/ Unselfishness)
  5. Blessings for the Hungry & Thirsty (Hungering for righteousness)
  6. Blessings for the Merciful (Mercy)
  7. Blessings for the Pure in Heart (Purity)
  8. Blessings for the Peacemakers (Having/ sharing peace)
  9. Blessings for the Persecuted (Trials, persecution)
  10. A Reason to Rejoice (Trials, persecution)
  11. Sharing the Blessing
  12. The Blessing of the Law (Heart Obedience)
  13. Eternal Blessings (Blessing for being God's child)